Monique Cano, PhD

Employee of Affiliated Org.

Monique T. Cano received her PhD in clinical psychology from Palo Alto University in 2020. She is now a research postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychiatry and Weil Institute for Neurosciences working with Dr. David Pennington and Dr. Steven Batki at the San Francisco VA Health Care System (SFVAHCS). Monique’s primary research interests include adapting and implementing culturally appropriate health-related interventions for underserved populations who suffer from co-occuring disorders. Her work at the SFVAHCS is focused on testing and implementing health-related interventions utilizing technological platforms that are culturally appropriate to address the needs of patients with co-occuring disorders.


Factors associated with smoking in low-income persons with and without chronic illness.

Tobacco induced diseases

Cano MT, Pennington DL, Reyes S, Pineda BS, Llamas JA, Periyakoil VS, Muñoz RF

Development and usability of a Spanish/English smoking cessation website: lessons learned.


Bond MH, Bunge EL, Leykin Y, Barrera AZ, Wickham RE, Barlow MR, Reyes S, Pineda B, Ceja AM, Cano M, Muñoz RF

Comparing Amazon Mechanical Turk with unpaid internet resources in online clinical trials.

Internet interventions

Bunge E, Cook HM, Bond M, Williamson RE, Cano M, Barrera AZ, Leykin Y, Muñoz RF

Mood management effects of brief unsupported internet interventions.

Internet interventions

Bunge EL, Williamson RE, Cano M, Leykin Y, Muñoz RF