Biological psychiatry

Buprenorphine and naloxone interactions in methadone maintenance patients.

Biological psychiatry

Mendelson J, Jones RT, Welm S, Brown J, Batki SL

Buprenorphine and naloxone interactions in methadone maintenance patients.

Biological psychiatry

Mendelson J, Jones RT, Welm S, Brown J, Batki SL

31phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the frontal and parietal lobes in chronic schizophrenia.

Biological psychiatry

Deicken RF, Calabrese G, Merrin EL, Meyerhoff DJ, Dillon WP, Weiner MW, Fein G

Alteration of brain phospholipid metabolites in cocaine-dependent polysubstance abusers.

Biological psychiatry

MacKay S, Meyerhoff DJ, Dillon WP, Weiner MW, Fein G
